This file summarises the changes made between Front Desk 18.2.5 and 21.3.1 If you are running Front Desk multi-user, please ensure that you run the upgrade on all of your computers. Front Desk must be closed on all computers before running this upgrade. Run the upgrade on one computer with Front Desk installed, then start the Front Desk software on this computer as normal. When the program starts (first time only), your database may be upgraded which could take a few minutes to complete. You can now proceed to upgrade Front Desk on your other computers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhancements Made 21.3.0 PROVIDER NUMBERS - Added the ability to set custom override provider numbers, allowing users to replace the words "Provider No" on invoices, receipts, statements, etc. This is especially useful for NSW SIRA claiming. 21.2.1 EMAIL - Updated email security protocols. 21.2.0 SQL SERVER 2019 - Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019. PHYSITRACK - Updated Physitrack authentication. SECURITY - Various security enhancements. 21.1.3 COVID VACCINATION STATUS - Added an Exempt COVID vaccination status. - Added a new warning option for Exempt COVID vaccination status. PATIENT LIST - Added COVID Vaccination filter to the Patient List report. 21.1.2 SMS - Updated security protocols when sending AutoSMS. 21.1.0 COVID VACCINATION STATUS - Added COVID Vaccination status and date to the patient file. - Added the ability to show COVID Vaccination Status warnings. This option can be found in System Information on the Options - Warnings tab. Warnings can be displayed if patients are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, or if their vaccination status is unknown. - Added COVID Vaccination Status to the Patient List export. EMAIL - Updated security protocols when sending SMTP email using TLS encryption, for compatibility with Office 365. 21.0.0 XERO INTEGRATION - Updated Xero integration to work with Xero Custom Connections, as Xero have are removing support for Front Desk's previous integration method. 20.1.9 FRONT DESK MESSENGER - Updated security protocols for Global Messenger. 20.1.6 WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND - Updated security protocols for integration with WorkCover Queensland, for compatibility with recent Workcover Queensland API changes. ACC EXPORT (NEW ZEALAND) - Updated the format of the CSV export in accordance with advice provided by the ACC. INTER-PRACTITIONER REPORT - Added an export option. GROUP APPOINTMENTS - Added the patient's email address to the Group Appointment export. ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORT - Added fee category to the detailed Account Balance export. PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS REPORT - The Payment Transactions export now includes the full account name instead of an abbreviated name. FRONT DESK 2021 - Updated copyright to 2021 on About and Splash screens. PATIENT X-RAYS - The Add X-ray Report window is now resizable. 20.1.5 CLINICAL NOTES - Improved performance when enabling the "Show All Revisions" option. EVENTS REPORT - Added User Name to the export of the Events Report. 20.1.4 FRONT DESK MESSENGER - Updated security protocols when authorising a new global messenger channel, or editing authorised iOS / Android users. MAILCHIMP INTEGRATION - Updated security protocols for integration with MailChimp, for compatibility with recent MailChimp API changes. EMAIL - Improved security when using the Smartsoft email gateway to send statements and invoices via email. 20.1.3 WAITING LIST REPORT - The Waiting List Report is now ordered by priority and waiting time, instead of by patient name. EDIT CANCELS / RESCHEDULES - Cancelled appointments will now display the patient's next appointment if one exists. 20.1.2 GST RECONCILIATION REPORT - Added an export option. EDIT CANCELS / RESCHEDULES - Added Reason and patient contact details to Edit Cancels / Reschedules. - Added an export option. ACC EXPORT (NEW ZEALAND) - Updated the format of the CSV export in accordance with advice provided by the ACC. 20.1.0 TELEHEALTH - Added some telehealth features to Front Desk. - Telehealth integration can be enabled on the Telehealth tab in System Information. - Users can choose to have a single telehealth link per appointment, or separate links for practitioners and patients, depending on what your chosen telehealth system supports. - Added a Telehealth option to Appointment Types. - When telehealth is enabled for an appointment type, extra telehealth fields will be available when making or editing an appointment. In the appointment pop-up menu, new options are available to Copy, Open, and Send Telehealth Links via Email or SMS. - Default telehealth email and SMS templates can be set on the Telehealth tab in System Information. - The following new letter tags have been added, to assist in emailing and SMSing telehealth links: <>, <>, and <>. - SMS / Email Reminders now includes filter options for Telehealth appointments. PRACTITIONERS - Added a Mobile/SMS field and button to the practitioner file. SMS REMINDERS - Calendar links sent with SMS reminders will now be sent as https:// instead of http:// 20.0.12 TRANSACTION REPORT - Added Export option to the Transaction Report. 20.0.9 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - Added new options to allow reminders to be sent 2 or 3 days before the appointment at a specified time. PATIENT FILE - APPOINTMENTS - Improved performance on large databases when un-ticking the "Future Appointments Only" checkbox. 20.0.7 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - The background process that sends SMS has been optimised to improve performance on larger databases. SQL SERVER COMPATIBILITY - Front Desk is no longer compatible with SQL Server 2005, or versions of SQL Server running at a SQL Server 2000 compatibility level. If you are running one of these versions, a warning message will be displayed when Front Desk starts up. For assistance upgrading to a later version of SQL Server, open a support case at HELP FILE - Updated help file. 20.0.4 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - Added the ability to exclude appointment types from automatic SMS reminders. This option can be accessed via the App Types button on the Auto SMS setup window. - Added the ability to receive email replies to automatic SMS. Please note that this setting is in the automatic SMS setup window. Automatic SMS reminders do not use the reply options on the SMS tab in System Information. - Added the ability to use a Sender ID when sending automatic SMS. Please note that this setting is in the automatic SMS setup window. Automatic SMS reminders do not use the Sender ID options on the SMS tab in System Information. - If an appointment gets rescheduled after an automatic SMS has already been received by the patient, a new SMS reminder will be automatically scheduled. - Added check for <> and <> tags when setting up automatic SMS reminders. These tags are not recommended for use with automatic SMS. If you have already set up automatic SMS reminders, it is important that you check that you're not using these tags in any of your templates. It is recommended that the <> and <> tags are used instead. PATIENT FILE - Increased the height and width of the gender list drop-down, when the "Extended Gender List" option is enabled. - In the extended gender list, moved "Unspecified" from the end to third in the list. SYSTEM TIME - Due to new security requirements, some of the features in Front Desk now require the correct date and time to be set on your computers. These include: SMS delivery receipts, Automatic SMS, Physitrack integration, and banking interfaces. If your system time is not correct, Front Desk will notify you via the Messages tab in the Appointment Book. 20.0.3 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - The background process that sends SMS now requires fewer resources, improving performance on some computers. - The automatic SMS process is now more robust. It has improved handling of issues caused by slow computers and poor network connectivity. GENDER OPTIONS - Added the ability to turn off extended gender options. This option can be found on the Defaults tab in System Information. 20.0.0 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - It is now possible to use Front Desk to automatically send appointment reminders and booking confirmations via SMS. - Reminders can be scheduled to be sent either a set time before the patient's appointment (from 1 to 48 hours), or at a particular time. - Default SMS templates can be set for individual practitioners, practice groups, and appointment types. - To set up automatic SMS, click the Auto SMS button on the SMS tab in System Information. - Please refer to the Auto SMS Guide for a detailed introduction to this new feature. APPOINTMENT BOOK - Added the ability to set default item codes for appointment types. This option can be set by clicking the App Types button on the Appointment Book tab in System Information, and editing an Appointment Type. - Once a default item code has been set for an appointment type, this option will override the default item codes set on the practitioner file. PATIENT FILE - Added additional Gender options to the patient file. TREATMENT PLANS - Added the ability to set a Treatment State on a Treatment Plan. Treatment States are user-configurable and can be added via the System menu. - The Treatment Plan Report now includes a Treatment State filter option. APPOINTMENT BOOK - Added "Copy Message" menu option to Appointment Book Messages. This copies the text of the message to the clipboard. - Any website links contained in SMS replies will now be added to the Appointment Book Messages right-click menu. 19.0.3 TREATMENT PLANS - Added Expiry Date option to Treatment Plans. When enabled, a warning will be displayed when billing or receipting within 30 days of the expiry date. - Added Distinct Days Only option to Treatment Plans. This option is only available for "By Number" treatment plans, and causes the treatment plan to count only one treatment per day, regardless of the number of transactions on that day. - Removed Distinct Days Only option from the Treatment Plan Report, because this option is now per patient account. - Added Expiry Date to the Treatment Plan Report. 19.0.2 CLINICAL NOTES - Added tick and cross stamps to Clinical Notes charts. FUTURE APPOINTMENTS REPORT - Added Practice Group and Reporting Group filtering to the Future Appointments Report. - Added Preview, Export, Mail Merge, Email, SMS and MailChimp functions to the Future Appointments Report. - The Future Appointments Report can now be accessed from the Reports menu. Previously this report could only be accessed from the Reports & Utilities section of the Appointment Book. - Added Future Appointments Report option to the Reports / Exports tab in Security - Access. WAITING LIST REPORT - Added Waiting List Report option to the Reports / Exports tab in Security - Access. APPOINTMENT BOOK - Added "Reason Required for Casual Appointment Deletion" option to the Appointment Book - Warnings tab in System Information. DIRECT DEPOSITS / GROUP DEPOSITS - Increased the maximum length of the remittance number from 15 to 40 characters. CHEQUES - Increased the maximum length of the cheque number from 15 to 40 characters. HELP FILE - Updated help file. PATIENT BOOKING GATEWAY - Added "Booking order" option to the Defaults tab in Patient Booking Gateway Configuration. 19.0.1 APPOINTMENT BOOK - The Appointment Book will now remember what you were last looking at, and re-open to the same view (i.e. Day, Week, or Month view, and selected Practitioner / Practice Group). - When deleting an appointment, added an option to create a recall for that patient. The default cancellation recall can be set on the Defaults tab in System Information. CLINICAL NOTES - Added a tick symbol to Clinical Notes Symbols. - Added 24 and 48 hour options to the Clinical Notes revision period. BILLING - When billing or receipting directly from an appointment, if an item code is set on the appointment, changing the patient's account on the bill or receipt screen will no longer revert the item code to the practitioner default. XERO INTEGRATION - When using Daily Summary integration, Bulk Bill and DVA payments submitted via Medicare Online will now include the payee provider number in the invoice reference. - When using Daily Summary integration, details included in the invoice reference will now also be included in the payment reference. - Improved fault tolerance when network errors occur during a Xero sync. BIRTHDAY LIST - Added Next Appointment and Last Appointment to the Birthday List export. WINDOWS SERVER 2019 - Front Desk is now compatible with Windows Server 2019. SQL SERVER 2016 - Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2016. SQL SERVER 2017 - Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2017. MEDICARE ONLINE - This version includes the April 2019 Medicare Benefits Schedule. LETTER TAGS - Made the <> letter tag available in Standard Letters. - Made the <> letter tag available in SMS and Email. SMS - Front Desk now allows the patient's mobile number to be entered in international format (e.g. +61 411 222 333 or 61 411 222 333). Previously this format would prevent SMS from being sent to the patient. Please note: it is still only possible to send SMS to patients in your own country. 19.0.0 XERO INTEGRATION - Front Desk Xero integration has now completed beta testing and is available for general use. - For multi-location practices using Daily Summary Xero integration, payments for each location will now be uploaded to Xero separately, to make bank reconciliation easier. - Added Xero Integration security setting to the General tab in Access - Security. Access to Xero Integration is enabled by default. - Added Reset Xero button to the Xero tab in System Information. This function will allow Fron Desk to connect to a new Xero Organisation, and can only be accessed by obtaining a code from Smartsoft, to avoid accidental disconnection from your Xero organisation. TRANSACTION REPORT - Added "Invoices with Write Offs Only" option to the Transaction Report. When this option is ticked, only invoices which have been written off will be displayed on screen and included in the report. Users can choose whether the selected date range refers to the date of the write off or the original invoice. This functionality provides better write-off reporting. TREATMENT PLAN REPORT - The Treatment Plan Report export now includes the "default practitioner". 18.3.4 XERO INTEGRATION - Added the ability to link practice groups to different Xero accounts, or to different organisations in the same Xero account. This is done on the Xero tab of the practice group setup window. - Practice groups can now be excluded from Xero integration. - For Front Desk systems linked to multiple Xero organisations, when performing a sync the user now has the option to choose which organisations to sync. - When Front Desk is linked to multiple Xero organisations, a Xero Integration tab is displayed on an item code, to allow an override Xero account to be selected for each organisation. - Added an end date for Xero syncs. Previously, everything up to the time of the sync would be uploaded to Xero. - For systems with HICAPS or Tyro integration, added the ability to group non-consolidated health fund payments by provider number when using Daily Summary integration. This can be done via the Consolidation button on the Tyro HealthPoint Report or HICAPS Report window, or from the Tyro / HICAPS button on the Xero tab in System Information by ticking the By Provider (Xero) option for the required health fund. SUMMARY REPORT - When exporting the Summary (Received Only) report, Cheques and Group Cheques have been combined into a single figure to match the printed report. Direct Deposits and Group Deposits have also been combined into a single figure. ACTIVE / INACTIVE PATIENTS REPORT - The "By Item" filter now applies to transactions in the selected date range. Previously, this would include patients who had been billed the item code at any time. WAITING LIST REPORT - The Waiting List Report now includes waiting list notes. 18.3.3 DIRECT DEPOSITS / GROUP DEPOSITS - Increased the maximum length of the remittance number from 12 to 15 characters. CHEQUES - Increased the maximum length of the cheque number from 12 to 15 characters. EDIT PAYMENTS - Added direct deposit payer and remittance number fields to the edit payment type window. 18.3.2 XERO INTEGRATION - Daily summary integration now syncs individual payments for cheque, direct deposit, and Medicare/DVA payments for improved bank reconciliation in Xero. Payments made via HICAPS, Tyro, or ANZ HealthPay integration will be grouped by health fund (for non-consolidated funds). Payments from consolidated health funds are still synced as a single amount. - Added "Do not sync patient names" option when using "Single contact" integration. When this option is enabled, the patient's Client ID is included as a reference on invoices instead of the patient's name. PATIENT SEARCH - When searching for a patient by surname, anything typed after the comma will now search both the patient's first name and their preferred name. Previously, it was only possible to search for the patient's first name in this way. 18.3.1 XERO INTEGRATION - Added "Daily Summary" integration type. - Daily Summary Xero integration creates a single entry in Xero per day per payment type, and is based on payments received only. This is useful for practices who want the convenience of Xero's bank reconciliation features, and who don't require Xero to track details of individual invoices. - In Detailed and Single Contact mode, payments made via HICAPS, Tyro, or ANZ HealthPay integration will now send the health fund name as a reference on payments. This has been added to assist with bank reconciliation in Xero. - In Detailed and Single Contact mode, Bulk Bill and DVA payments will now send "BB" or "DVA" as a reference on payments. This has been added to assist with bank reconciliation in Xero. WAITING LIST REPORT - Added a new Waiting List Report. This can be found in the Reports & Utilities section of the Appointment Book. PATIENT BOOKING GATEWAY - Added the ability to specify start times for appointments made via the Patient Booking Gateway. This provides practices with greater control over their appointment books. This feature can be found on the Start Times tab in Patient Booking Gateway Configuration. - Updated some of the option descriptions on the Defaults tab on Patient Booking Gateway Configuration to make their meaning clearer. 18.3.0 XERO INTEGRATION - Front Desk now integrates with Xero. This functionality is currently only available to users who have registered as part of our Xero beta testing program. WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND - Invoices submitted to Workcover Queensland will now be marked as Issued. NEW ZEALAND ACC EXPORT - Invoices exported via the ACC Export function will now be marked as Issued. ATTACHMENTS - Improved the file type detection when adding attachments to Front Desk. INVOICES - Extended the invoice timeout when reprinting invoices from the patient file. This was occasionally causing problems on older and underpowered computers. 18.2.5 MEDICARE ONLINE - This version includes the November 2018 Medicare Benefits Schedule. SMS / EMAIL REMINDERS - Improved the speed of sending SMS and email reminders when filtering by practitioner or group, especially in busy appointment books. HELP FILE - Updated Front Desk help file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug fixes 21.3.1 PROVIDER NUMBERS - Override Provider Numbers were not being printed on invoices/receipts except if the custom label option had been selected. Since 21.3.0. Fixed. 21.3.0 PHYSITRACK - Physitrack exercise plans were not being received by Front Desk. Fixed. 21.1.4 XERO INTEGRATION - It wasn't possible to select bank accounts on the payment type overrides page. Since 21.1.0. Fixed. 21.1.1 EMAIL - An error would occur when attempting to send MAPI email via Outlook. Since 21.1.0. Fixed. 21.0.1 MEDICARE CLAIMING - When right-clicking an invoice on the patient's transactions page, the Medicare claiming wizard was being displayed before allowing the user to select one of the claiming options. Since 21.0.0. Fixed. 20.1.8 ACTIVE / INACTIVE PATIENTS REPORT - An error would occur when attempting to run the Active / Inactive Patients Report with the options Report Type: Mailing Labels, and "Exclude patients with future recalls". Fixed. XERO INTEGRATION - In some cases, contacts weren't created correctly in Xero. Fixed. 20.1.7 WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND INTEGRATION - The status of all WorkCover Queensland invoices was displayed as "Submitting". Since 20.1.6. Fixed. 20.1.6 SEARCH STATEMENTS & INVOICES - If Search Statements & Invoices was the first window to be opened after logging in to Front Desk, an error would occur when double-clicking on an invoice or statement to view it in the patient file. Fixed. APPOINTMENT BOOK - If a default appointment type was set for a patient, and that default appointment type had default item codes set for each practitioner, when making a new appointment the item code wasn't automatically selected. Fixed. 20.1.4 DIRECT DEPOSITS - After deleting a direct deposit, the details of the direct deposit would be shown in the Group Deposits window. Since 18.3.3. Fixed. 20.1.3 AUTOMATIC SMS REMINDERS - If automatic SMS reminders were cancelled due to a practitioner or appointment type being disabled in Auto SMS Settings, the reminders would not be rescheduled if the practitioner or appointment type was later re-enabled. Fixed. - In some cases it was possible for a duplicate SMS reminder to be sent. Fixed. APPOINTMENT BOOK - In rare cases long SMS messages weren't wrapping correctly when displayed in an appointment tooltip. Fixed. 20.1.1 AUTOMATIC SMS REMINDERS - SMS reminders scheduled to go out after a change to or from daylight saving time would be scheduled to send at the wrong time. Since 19.1.0. Fixed. MAILCHIMP INTEGRATION - When syncing contacts to MailChimp, if patients with duplicate emails were detected an error would occur. Since 20.1.0. Fixed. APPOINTMENT BOOK - In rare cases long SMS messages weren't wrapping correctly when displayed in an appointment tooltip. Fixed. 20.1.0 AUTOMATIC SMS REMINDERS - If a large number (i.e. hundreds) of appointments were cancelled at the same time, the scheduled SMS were not cancelled. Since 19.1.0. Fixed. 20.0.12 AUTOMATIC SMS REMINDERS - Calendar links, used to add details to a phone's calendar, did not include the practitioner's address when sent using Automatic SMS. Since 19.1.0. Fixed. 20.0.11 AUTOMATIC SMS REMINDERS - When changing Auto SMS settings, in some circumstances the wrong reminder templates could be saved. Since 19.1.0. Fixed. TREATMENT PLANS - If a treatment plan was edited and the only thing changed was the treatment state, the changes were not saved. Since 19.1.0. Fixed. 20.0.10 PHYSITRACK INTEGRATION - Physitrack exercise plans were not being received by Front Desk. Since 20.0.4. Fixed. 20.0.8 APPOINTMENT BOOK - When cancelling an appointment and sending a cancellation email to the practitioner, in some cases the "Next Appointment" included in the email could be the appointment that was just cancelled. Since 19.0.3. Fixed. GROUP APPOINTMENTS - With Automatic SMS Reminders enabled, SMS replies to automatic reminders for group appointments were not displayed in the group appointment. Fixed. HICAPS INTEGRATION - When a loyalty bonus was received from the health fund after claiming an item via HICAPS integration, in some cases an error message would be displayed. Since 19.0.5. Fixed. PATIENT FILE - ADDITIONAL TAB - The Whitecoat Find / Invite option was visible even with Whitecoat integration disabled. Since 19.0.5. Fixed. 20.0.7 SMS DELIVERY RECEIPTS - On systems running Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SMS delivery receipts were not received. Fixed. APPOINTMENT BOOK - Deleted casual appointments were being counted towards "Cancelled Appointments" statistics when hovering over the practitioner column header in the Appointment Book. Since 19.0.1. Fixed. 20.0.6 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - When including calendar links in Automatic SMS reminders, although the correct appointment time was included in the message itself, the incorrect time would be added to the patient's calendar if they clicked the calendar link. Since 19.1.0. Fixed. 20.0.5 TREATMENT STATES - An error would occur when attempting to add a new Treatment State. Since 20.0.0. Fixed. 20.0.4 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - When "Send additional booking confirmation SMS" was enabled, scheduled SMS reminders were not updated if the appointment was rescheduled, or if the Standard SMS template was modified. Since 20.0.0. Fixed. - Automatic SMS reminders sent for guest appointments made via the Patient Booking Gateway were not recorded on the patient's file if the guest patient was linked to an existing patient file. Since 20.0.0. Fixed. - If an appointment made in the next two weeks was rescheduled to a date further in the future, in some cases the SMS reminder message wasn't updated. Fixed. - When used in Automatic SMS templates, the <> letter tag was using the Windows default date format. e.g. "2/12/2019 2:00:00 PM" instead of "Mon 2 Dec 2019 2:00 pm", which would be the default when sent manually from Front Desk. Fixed. - The SMS Reminder flag was being removed from all appointments once delivery was confirmed. This was happening for all SMS reminders, not only Automatic SMS reminders. Fixed. PHYSITRACK INTEGRATION - In some cases, it was possible for multiple duplicate Physitrack exercise programs to be added to a patient's Clinical Notes. Fixed. 20.0.3 AUTOMATIC SMS APPOINTMENT REMINDERS - When "Send additional booking confirmation SMS" was enabled, booking confirmation messages were sent out for existing appointments. Booking confirmation messages will now only be sent out for appointments made after this option has been enabled. - Potential issue when using the appointment scheduler in conjunction with the "Send additional booking confirmation SMS" option which could cause multiple confirmations to be sent. No users have experienced this issue. Fixed. 20.0.0 CLINICAL NOTES - When Clinical Notes were ordered with the most recent on top, if a user clicked "New Note" or "Quick Add" immediately after changing the Type and Condition/Region/Stage, in some cases the updated Condition/Region/Stage wouldn't be saved. Fixed. TREATMENT PLAN REPORT - The "Exclude Archived Patients" filter didn't work when used in conjunction with the "Use Alert Trigger" filter. Since 19.0.3. Fixed. - Inactive treatment plans were displayed in the report when using the "Use Alert Trigger" filter. Since 19.0.3. Fixed. 19.0.5 APPOINTMENT BOOK - In unusual circumstances it was possible for the wrong appointment to be deleted from the Appointment Book. Since 19.0.3. Fixed. 19.0.3 XERO INTEGRATION - In Summary mode, split payments to invoices containing items with overridden item codes were not uploaded correctly. Since 18.3.1. Fixed. WAITING LIST REPORT - In some cases an error would occur when running the Waiting List Report on systems with "Custom file numbers" enabled in System Information. Since 18.3.1. Fixed. APPOINTMENT BOOK - In rare cases it was possible for a cancellation notification email to be sent to the practitioner without the patient's name in the email. Fixed. 19.0.2 APPOINTMENT BOOK - When opening the Appointment Book to Week View, the saved column widths were not correctly restored. Since 19.0.1. Fixed. TRANSACTION LOG - When maximising the Transaction Log window some items were not aligned correctly. Since 19.0.1. Fixed. 19.0.1 INVOICES - When sending batch invoices, using the Un-issued Invoices Only option, if a patient was set to receive both printed and emailed invoices, and the Process button was used to generate them, the invoices would fail to print. Since 18.1.5. Fixed. MAILCHIMP INTEGRATION - An error would occur during MailChimp sync if a patient with an email address longer than 50 characters unsubscribed from the MailChimp list. Fixed. NEW ZEALAND ACC EXPORT - When exporting invoices and not filtering by practitioner, if a practitioner had more than one file in Front Desk, an export file would only be created for one of the practitioner files. Fixed. 19.0.0 PATIENT TRACKING - In some cases, after making changes on the Tracking tab of the patient file, an error would occur when attempting to close the patient file. Fixed. 18.3.4 PATIENT BOOKING GATEWAY - When using the More Times button in the Patient Booking Gateway, it wasn't taking into account the "Restrict booking time" setting. Fixed. 18.3.3 APPOINTMENT BOOK - In some cases, an error could occur when editing an appointment or casual appointment. Since 18.3.2. Fixed. ITEM CODES - With Xero integration enabled, when opening another item code by using the Search button on the Edit Item window, the Xero Account Code field was displaying the account code from the previous item. Since 18.3.0. Fixed. 18.3.0 PATIENT BOOKING GATEWAY - When adding a Patient Booking Gateway email address to Front Desk, email addresses containing a domain beginning with a number were marked as invalid. Fixed. - For appointments made via the Patient Booking Gateway, the appointment type wasn't printed on a day list. Fixed. ANZ HEALTHPAY INTEGRATION - An error would occur when attempting to process a health fund claim for health funds with names longer than 20 characters. Fixed. APPOINTMENT BOOK - When moving a patient into or out of a group appointment by dragging and dropping or using the Change Appointment function, the patient's SMS and Email reminder settings weren't taken into account. Fixed. - When changing the time of a group appointment, the reminders for patients within the group weren't being reset. Fixed. - For practitioners with "Email practitioner when an appointment is cancelled" enabled, when deleting multiple appointments at the same time in either the patient's Appointments tab or in a group appointment, if the user clicked on a different appointment before the deletion was complete, the wrong appointment details were recorded in Cancels/Reschedules. Fixed. SUMMARY REPORT - When filtering the Summary report by Reporting Group, payments could be incorrectly listed as unresolved if they were split between practitioners in the Reporting Group. Since 16.9.7. Fixed. 18.2.6 BILL AND RECEIPT - For systems without Tyro, HICAPS, or ANZ integration, on the Bill and Receipt windows the Tooth Number / Clinical Code field was visible after changing practitioner. Since 18.2.0. Fixed. 18.2.5 APPOINTMENT BOOK - If Medical Specialist Referrals was enabled, when the Make Next Appointment function was used on an appointment with no referral set, for a patient with an indefinite referral on their file, Make Next Appointment wouldn't work. Rare. Fixed. PATIENT EVENTS - When the "Show SMS" option was turned off, events with an empty Notes field were not displayed on the Events tab. Since 18.2.4. Fixed.